About ArrangeMeA

Service so faultless and unobtrusive you’ll only realise at the end of your event just how seamless everything was. Food that manages to be both culinary delight and talking point. A commitment to peerless quality irrespective of budget. It takes effort, attention to detail and real passion to create events like this.

I'm Lexi Proud, founder of ArrangeMeA. A graduate of the prestigious Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, I’ve built my reputation in exclusive hospitality.

I’ve learned valuable lessons from the experts, and they have taught me that nothing, nothing, is ever too much trouble. That integrity is everything. And that perfection is possible – you just have to move heaven and earth on behalf of your client to make it happen.

Mail me at contact@arrangemea.com and discover just how much we’d love to organise your event.